Youth Advisory Committee


Youths serving on the Advisory Committee will provide input to the Village Board and communicate with other youths regarding Village issues.


Participants must be a high school Junior or Senior and a resident of the Village of Churchville.  Candidates must have parental permission and be recommended by their school advisor/administrator.  Candidates must submit an essay on “Why I want to serve my community on the Youth Advisory Committee” by (date to be determined).  Finalists will be interviewed by the Mayor and appointments announced at a Board meeting.


The Committee would consist of no more than five members.  A Village Trustee would be the committee Mentor.  The committee would report to the Mayor on all issues.  Minutes/notes will be recorded for all meetings.


  • Attend Village Board meetings
  • Rotate participation of sitting at the VB table on a monthly basis.
  • Attend Planning Board monthly meetings
  • Attend Zoning Board meeting
  • Participate on several Village committees of their choice
  • Submit articles to the Village Newsletter
  • Liaison to local youth
  • Serve 20 weeks/half a school year.

Youth Advisory Committee Members – Trustees Scott Cullen and Deputy Mayor Diane Pusateri