The Planning board is a five member board with staggered terms of five years. The members of the planning board are required to complete 10 hours of training in their first two years on the board and two (2) hours of training every year thereafter. The function of the planning board is advisory and has authority to approve site plans, subdivision plats, special permits or other development approvals.
The planning board meets the second Wednesday of each month. To be placed on the agenda, one must do so through the planning board secretary located at the Village Office. All materials must be submitted to the board ten (10) days in advance of the next meeting.
Planning Board Members
- Mike Bohan, Chairperson
- George Beldue
- Joshua Clark
- Mary Flaherty
- Marc Rippe
- TBD, Alternate
- TBD, Alternate
- Keli Madden, Secretary
Village Board Liason: Julie Michalko